This is the header image of the transparency page. It shows a close up of a table with people sitting in chairs and reports on the table. | Il s'agit de l'image de tête de la page de transparence. Elle montre un gros plan d'une table avec des personnes assises sur des chaises et des rapports sur la table.
Transparency and Accountability

As the lead economic development agency for New Brunswick, Opportunities NB (ONB) takes its obligation to be transparent and accountable to New Brunswickers seriously.

ONB is committed to the responsible management of public funds with increased reporting on performance. ONB continues to improve access to, and proactive disclosure of, information related to management and investment of public funds.

ONB’s Annual Reports:

Fiscal 2023-2024

Fiscal 2022-2023

Fiscal 2021-2022

Fiscal 2020-2021

Fiscal 2019-2020

Fiscal 2018-2019

Fiscal 2017-2018

Fiscal 2016-2017

Fiscal 2015-2016

Transparency and Accountability

ONB discloses information to the public through these reports:

On behalf of GNB, ONB is making available the Regulatory Reform Annual Reports that detail efforts, measures, and achievements made by government to improve the regulatory landscape in New Brunswick.

In the table below, ONB proactively discloses the following investment reports:

1. Signed Agreements: Financial investments that have been approved that quarter for disbursement to clients at a later date; when the project is underway or completed and conditions and/or targets are met.

2. Payments: Payments that have been dispersed to clients that were approved and committed at an earlier date. Payments are dispersed when the client meets agreed-upon targets and conditions. Payments are up to the approved amount, but can be less than the approved amount should targets or conditions not be met.