Office of the Auditor General of New Brunswick’s Recommendations
March 2015Auditor General report released with 19 recommendations
May 2015Third party (Deloitte) to assist with ONB: identification of best practices, gap analysis, recommendations and review
August 2015Steering Committee formed
September 2015Chief Financial Officer hired
October 2016Third party (Deloitte) conducts fourth review of ONB Policies & Procedures and engaged to conduct implementation audit
October 2017Auditor General (AG) report released
October 2017Third party (Deloitte) conducts implementation audit based on AG report
December 2017Engaged third party (Symplicity) to assist with improvement of integration of policies and procedures
December 2017The Executive Committee of ONB’s board approved preliminary guidelines for disclosures: what ONB will disclose and when
February 2018Monitoring & Compliance Manager hired
March 2018Transparency & Accountability section on website
August 2018Published Fiscal 2017-2018 and Q1 Fiscal 2018-2019 client approved agreements and payment information
November 2018Created a comprehensive table on our website to easily identify Signed Agreements and Payment to Clients reports. The table is now updated quarterly for Signed Agreements, and annually for Payments to Clients. A new visual to identify both Committed Jobs and Actual Jobs Created, relative to Target by fiscal, is also now available under the Our Results section of the website.