The NAHB International Builders’ Show (IBS) is North America’s biggest home building trade show. Opportunities NB (ONB) was proud to accompany several New Brunswick-based companies once again to this year’s event in Las Vegas for three days of networking and trendspotting.
Boudreau-Ouest’s ClairiTech Innovations regularly attends the show as an exhibitor and considers it the top show of the year for residential construction. President Serge Colin says it’s the best opportunity for his company to present its technology and inform professionals across the residential construction field about the importance of clean air. “Exhibiting at the IBS is a great way to create awareness of our products, meet potential clients, and bring together professionals who don’t necessarily have a background in this specific field and help them plan indoor air quality at the early stage,” he says. “After a two-year hiatus, it was great to have a productive show this year, attendance was very strong. We look forward to another strong show next year.”
Getting in Front of US Customers
Colin says the chance to exhibit to US customers is vital for Clairitech as its solutions are needed and the market is large. “We provide an advanced technology that’s economical. Electricity in Canada is cheaper than south of the border. US citizens can pay anywhere from $30 to $90 per month for a traditional dehumidifier, with our Humidex system it’s $3-$5 monthly.”
IBS allows Colin and his team to exhibit new products and have real discussions about what they offer. “Having that ability to bring products to the show floor is essential for us. People need to be able to see it and get a feel for how it all works.”
As an exhibitor, Colin says his connected technologies help ClairiTech stand out from the crowd. “The best way to get attention is to provide something truly different, fortunately our technologies help us do just that,” he says. Colin sets a goal of six qualified leads for every show, this year he came home with 10.
He says ONB and ACOA acting as IBS show leads helps him stay focused on business. “ONB takes care of all the administrative stuff which can be time-consuming, that’s a real value-add right up front. We arrive on the floor, and everything is ready. We get to focus on building relationships.”
Join us next year (February 27-29)
The Atlantic Canada delegation has already reserved space for the 2024 edition of IBS, and recruitment has begun. It is not too early to become a part of this great event and ONB is here to help. This year’s show saw the largest Atlantic Canadian delegation to date and interest is already picking up for next year.
Interested in attending next year’s event? Contact your Business Development Executive or reach out to ONB’s Domenico Baiocchi directly. Remember, what happens in Vegas…could be huge for your business!