November 17, 2017, SUSSEX (GNB) – Regional Service Commission 8 has signed a memorandum of understanding with the provincial government aimed at encouraging collaboration among partners to help grow the local economy in the Greater Sussex area. It is the seventh commission to sign such a memorandum to help address workforce, infrastructure and other challenges.
“Your government knows that New Brunswickers want strong local economies and communities in every corner of the province,” said Finance Minister Cathy Rogers. “We look forward to working with the communities and stakeholders in Regional Service Commission 8 to ensure growth in the region.”
Rogers signed the agreement on behalf of Economic Development Minister Francine Landry, who is also the minister responsible for Opportunities NB.
These agreements are part of an initiative led by Opportunities NB that will see similar agreements signed in the coming weeks with each of the province’s 12 commissions. The Western Valley, Kent, Greater Miramichi, Northwest, Chaleur and Southeast commissions have already signed the agreements. The intention is to identify ways in which communication can be improved and processes streamlined between partners in each region.
Opportunities NB is a Crown corporation that seeks to attract and support opportunities to grow the economy and create jobs. It provides support services for businesses across the province.
“We are eager to work with Opportunities NB on this new initiative,” said Thomas Parkhill, chair of the board for Regional Service Commission 8. “Bringing all the stakeholders in Region 8 to the table will ensure we are all working toward the same goals to strengthen our communities.”
Under the agreement, Opportunities NB will place a community economic development executive in the region. The executive will meet with municipal government and local service district advisory committees, industry groups, chambers of commerce and other local and regional stakeholders on a regular basis to discuss specific economic opportunities. The executive will support local and regional opportunities through their connections to appropriate provincial and federal government departments and agencies.
Recruitment for the position has begun, with an employee expected to be in place in January.
Carolyn McCormack, communications, Opportunities NB, 506-453-8168.