NB Proud Award applications now open

FREDERICTON (GNB) – Opportunities NB invites high school graduates enrolled in New Brunswick post-secondary institutions to apply for one of 12 NB Proud Awards. The awards program encourages students to pursue their post-secondary studies in the province. It also helps to ensure those students are prepared for the opportunities within New Brunswick’s changing economy and workforce.

“Our government recognizes that, by providing support to students in post-secondary institutions, we are investing in our next generation of leaders,” said Economic Development and Small Business Minister Mary Wilson, who is also the minister responsible for Opportunities NB. “These awards allow us to support their ambition and drive to pursue their goals right here in the province.”

Applicants are asked to submit a brief essay on why they believe it is important to study, work and live in their home province upon graduation. The awards, valued at $1,000 each, will be presented to 12 finalists to support their post-secondary educational goals.

Opportunities NB is a Crown corporation that seeks to attract and support opportunities to grow the economy and create jobs. It provides support services for businesses across the province.

More information about the NB Proud Awards is available online.

Applications are due by May 10.

Media Contact(s):

Autumn Lawrence, communications, Opportunities NB, 506-461-9024.