October 27, 2017, FREDERICTON (GNB) – The provincial government has announced an initiative to encourage collaboration with regional service commissions. The goal is to more effectively leverage resources and information from all parties to boost economic development across the province.
“An important objective of the New Brunswick Economic Growth Plan is to ensure there is a strong economic development ecosystem in place in every region of the province,” said Economic Development Minister Francine Landry, who is also the minister responsible for Opportunities NB. “This includes active local and regional economic development discussions, region-specific economic opportunities development, and support services for business growth. It is based on local and regional stakeholders working with provincial and federal economic development organizations to address key workforce, infrastructure and other challenges that are known barriers to growth.”
Under the initiative, led by Opportunities NB, agreements will be signed with each of the 12 regional service commissions. These agreements will identify ways in which communications can be improved and processes streamlined in each of the commissions.
Opportunities NB is a Crown corporation that seeks to attract and support opportunities to grow the economy and create jobs. It provides support services for businesses across the province.
“The intent of the initiative is to develop, strengthen and maintain effective collaboration between Opportunities NB and commission members – municipalities and unincorporated areas – by aligning community economic development priorities,” said Landry. “This will help improve information-sharing and lead to co-ordinated approaches to common processes as it pertains to regional economic development.”
Opportunities NB will place a community economic development executive in each of the 12 regions. They will meet with municipal governments, local service district advisory committees, industry groups, chambers of commerce and other local and regional stakeholders on a regular basis to discuss specific economic opportunities. They will then support these opportunities through their connections with departments and agencies of the provincial and federal governments. Recruitment for these positions has begun, with employees expected to be in place by January.
The provincial government has identified local and regional economic development as an important element of the New Brunswick Economic Growth Plan.
Carolyn McCormack, communications, Opportunities NB, 506-453-8168.