Students bring new ideas, fresh perspectives, and elevating energy to ONB. Our goal is to connect them to the many opportunities across the province and help them prepare for an exciting career here in New Brunswick.

ONB offers many opportunities for students to gain professional experience, training, and mentorship. Our student program includes internships, co-op placements, and a summer student program. Based on the feedback from employee surveys, 100% of participants would recommend ONB to other students as a place to work.

At ONB, students are supported by their mentors throughout their work term with guidance to achieve various goals and deliver projects. Each student that is onboarded with ONB is tailored to their full potential within their areas of interest.

Doing Meaningful Work 

“We want to help young people find success and land real jobs inside an organization where they can benefit from several takeaways and really feel like they contributed to the growth and prosperity of our province,” says Erica Ward, ONB Culture Manager, who helped launch the student program and continues to maintain it. “At the same time, we hope they find value in the program for themselves, both personally and professionally. Ultimately, it’s about helping them succeed in furthering their education with real-life experiences.”

With ONB’s student program, various topics are discussed to enhance students’ professional and personal development during weekly student meetings. These meetings are an open forum for students to ask questions on any career-related topic including subjects like professional growth, skills workshops, and panel discussions.

“When we built this program, we wanted it to be something that would be of long-term value to both the students themselves and the organization. With every cohort of students that comes through the program, I learn something new.”

An Opportunity for New Beginnings 

What sets ONB apart from other student internships is the opportunity for students to cross-train within our different lines of business (Export Development, Marketing, Investment Attraction, Finance, Business Growth, etc.) Cross-training allows students to leave their comfort zones and gain valuable experiences outside of their areas of focus. These interdisciplinary learning experiences develop well-rounded students who bring fresh perspectives to the workforce.

“We’ve had students go through cross training and discover they were interested in areas they had never considered before. Sometimes, they even shifted their majors to align with the work they did as part of their cross-training experiences.”

Student Careers Starts Here

From day one, our students are involved with real projects, not merely busy work. We ensure that they are provided opportunities to work with all our lines of business to help with career decision-making and offer tangible workplace skills they can bring to their next internship or full-time job.

Aside from the day-to-day work they do and projects they contribute to, students help shape our culture through participation in our various employee-led culture teams – Social, Recognition, Health & Wellness, Giving Back, and Diversity & Inclusion.

ONB’s Summer 2022 Students

This year’s summer students excelled across four departments at ONB, with real deliverables and hands-on experience.

The 2022 Summer Student cohort (pictured above) included:

  • Lara Boudreau, Strategic Marketing & Communications;
  • Andrea Escober, Strategic Priorities;
  • Olivia Harrington, Client Engagement; and
  • Jacob van Roeden, Finance

With their time at ONB almost at an end, these students wanted to create a video explaining the multiple opportunities that they’ve gained from working here and the lessons they have learned along the way.

We wish this quartet of incredibly talented and hard-working students all the best as they depart ONB at the end of August. Our entire organization has benefitted from their contributions as well as the many contributions made by their predecessor cohorts.

Several ONB employees began their journeys to our team as international students, including Nicole Grechi and Pruthvi Brahmbhatt. Click their names to read their stories and how they came to arrive at ONB.

Wish to learn more about ONB’s student program? Contact us at this email address.